How To Empower Your Employees

“Quality questions create a quality life.  Successful people ask better questions & as a result get better answers.”

Anthony Robbins


I agree wholeheartedly with Tony Robbins and believe one of the best ways to empower and develop employees is to ask quality questions of them. These questions activate your employee’s thinking, encourages them to problem solve, gets them to take ownership and inspires their creativity. When using these questions you come from a place of asking vs. telling, which is more motivating and supportive.

There are two types of quality questions:

Open-ended questions – used when you want to elicit insights, information or solutions.

Closed-ended questions – used for clarification, confirmation or to bottom-line an issue.

Let’s review each type.

Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions tap into our right brain and are responsible for ideation, intuition, insights and creativity. They are thought provoking and start with the words: Who, What, Where, When, and How. (I encourage you to limit using the word Why in this context as it can come across as derogatory.) These types of questions are best used when you would like to gather information, brainstorm, get feedback and seek solutions from employees. Asking these types of questions helps employees consider new possibilities and ways of thinking as well as while creates buy-in and trust. Examples are:

  • How do you think we should resolve this issue?

  • What are your thoughts on driving efficiencies and simplification?

  • Who will help you with this initiative?

Closed-Ended Questions

Closed-ended questions access our left brain and are responsible for logic, analysis, reasoning, and linear thinking. They are used to confirm and clarify, bring a discussion to a close, or for bottom-lining. Because these questions require a Yes or No answer, they can be limiting. Examples are:

  • Have we covered everything you wanted to discuss?

  • Is this the best way to resolve the issue?

  • Do I understand you correctly?

Empowering and developing your employees is a win-win. Asking quality questions improves employee engagement and productivity, creates happier, more confident employees and builds trust and a better working environment. Feel free to contact me if you’d like to brainstorm this idea for your specific company or would like other tips for empowering and developing your employees.