Are you plagued by TMI?

I often hear clients say: “I get so nervous during interviews and I tend to ramble on when answering questions. This is probably why I am not making it to the next round of interviews.” If this is sounds like you, here are my top three interview tips to help you stand out in the interview and avoid falling into the TMI trap.

Positioning your interview answers

JFK said:” Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” When it comes to your interview answers, position them with a focus on what you can do for the company and how you can help the company achieve its goals vs. focusing on what the company can do for you. When your answers focus on you, you immediately turn off the hiring manager and most likely you won’t make it to the next round of interviews. This shift in your answers is what the hiring manager wants to hear and will definitely set you apart from the competition.

What you want to say: “I want to bring my professional experiences, unique talents, and skills to help your department/organization solve problems, achieve goals and grow the business.”

What you don’t want to say: “I want to work for this company because it’s the perfect job for me and my career plan OR it will look good on my resume.”

Write out your interview answers ahead of time and practice, practice, practice.

Keep in mind Ben Franklin’s quote: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” I recommend you write out your interview answers ahead of time so you are able to craft succinct, articulate answers showcasing your talents and expressing why you are the ideal candidate. Once you’ve done this, give yourself plenty of time to practice them. Rehearse your answers in front of a mirror or role playing with a friend. You’ll notice things like how your answers sound and how you look during the interview, and you’ll be able to tweak and sharpen your answers, if necessary, before being in a live interview. Clients have told me that this has helped them feel more confident and comfortable in the interview, kept them from rambling on and on, and they’re getting called back for the next round.

Ask for the job!

Yes, that’s right…. ask for the job!

The thought of asking for the job during an interview may make you cringe or feel very uncomfortable, and perhaps you feel it makes you sound pushy or insincere. This is totally understandable and normal but listen up!

If you don’t tell the interviewer you want the job, you will definitely hurt your chances of being hired. Here’s why…

The hiring manager wants to hire the candidate that’s excited and eager to work for their company. When you clearly express (in a friendly, confident voice) you want the position, they will see your enthusiasm and honesty shine through and know your intentions are serious. Hiring managers aren’t mind readers and they won’t know if you really want the job unless you tell him/her. So, if you know you want the job, ask for it! Don’t let a great job opportunity slip through your fingers. The best time to do this is at the end of the interview when the interviewer asks you if you have any more questions.

What you might say: “Having completed the interview process, learned more about this role, the team, and the organization, I can honestly say that I would really like to work here. I want to bring my experience, skills and enthusiasm for your organization to help solve problems and achieve business goals. What are the next steps in your hiring process?”

I’ve helped many job seekers craft customized, articulate interview answers showcasing their talents and highlighting the value they bring to an organization, thus standing out from the competition and making it to the next round of interviews or getting the job. Contact me if you’d like help with mastering your interview answers.